Saturday 6 November 2010

Insomnia Definitions – S to T

Some more definitions – this time Sl to T

Over the last months or so I have been posting definitions to help you bust the jargon when you are researching insomnia related issues.

Here are some more which I hope are of some help to you – most of them relating to Sleep related definitions.

Sleep Apnea – A condition where the sufferer momentarily stops breathing during sleep. I will blog about this problem separately soon as it is a major cause of insomnia.

Sleep Bruxism – This is where the sufferer constantly grinds his/her teeth during the night waking themselves (and others in the process). Not only can it lead to insomnia but also leads to problems with teeth and dental issues.

Sleep Homeostat – This is an internal body control mechanism which is controlled by brain chemicals such as melatonin. It basically makes sure that in an ideal world that you get enough sleep.

Sleep onset insomnia – This is a type of insomnia where you find it difficult to fall asleep in the first place.

Sleep Maintenance insomnia – This is different to the sleep onset insomnia as the sufferer doesn’t have a problem actually falling asleep – they have a problem staying asleep.

Sleep related breathing disorders – These cover a range of sleep breathing related issues which includes sleep apnea, but also includes difficulty in breathing and too shallow breathing.

Sleep related movement disorders – This is a group of disorders where the suffer makes involuntary movements during the night. These sudden movements can either keep the sufferer from falling asleep or wake them abruptly during the night. One of the most common forms of this is Restless leg Syndrome.

Sleep wake Cycle – Pattern of sleep and wakefulness that is determined by circadian rythms and sleep homeostat.

Stimulus Control Therapy- A treatment that aims to help insomnia by encouraging the brain to link to certain cues. This may be simply getting into bed, the dark etc where the sufferer immediately associates these with sleep.

Transient Insomnia- This is a temporary form of insomnia which tends to only last a few nights.

Tryptophan – This is an amino acid used to make serotonin. This is then turned into the sleep hormone Melatonin

Well that’s it for now – hope it’s been of some interest. Remember there are a few other blogs on this site which help take you through the alphabet if you are looking out for any other definitions.

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit


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