Friday, 20 August 2010

Insomnia Definitions – D & E

More definitions of key insomnia terms – this time letters D & E

I recently detailed definitions of terms relating to insomnia for letters A,B & C.

Here are some further definitions for the letters D and E, I really hope they help clear things up and help you to understand some of the things you hear about when you are researching cures.

There are so many weird and wonderful scientific terms – when I first ended up suffering from insomnia it took me ages to research and work out what each of the things meant.

So I hope these definitions help you understand more about you condition and cures.

DIURETIC – Something that promotes urination! Taking diuretics like tea and coffee before bedtime can lead to numerous visits to the toilet during the night.

DEEP SLEEP – A heavy, relaxing sleep state – sometimes also known as Slow Wave Sleep or Delta Sleep.

DROWSINESS – When your brainwaves slow down. This is the first stage of sleep and a manifestation of tiredness.

DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME (DSPS) – This is where your body clock is running late. It basically stops the sufferer from finally falling asleep till very late then having severe problems getting up in the morning.

DOUBLE BLIND – A technique for working out cures for insomnia where placebos are given to some patients.

EPWORTH SLEEP SCALE – A scale devised to measure sleepiness during normal daytime activity.

So there you go – that’s letters D & E done. I’ll post some more definitions soon. Hope it helps bust the jargon used on many sites.

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit

Insomnia and Reflexology – Hand-y-relaxer

A reflexology technique called Hand-y-Relaxer to help promote sleep.

Here’s a quick, little technique I came across to help relieve stress and tension before bedtime.

Firstly, apply pressure to the solar plexuses. Place your left hand, palm facing upwards in your right hand, with your thumb uppermost.

Locate the area about two thirds of the way up your left palm, in line with the centre of your middle finger, then press down firmly with your right thumb using a clockwise rotational movement.

Repeat on the right hand and left thumb.

Worth a try, good luck...

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit

Insomnia and Reflexology – Cycle Balancer

Another reflexology technique called Cycle Balancer

Here’s another reflexology technique I came across which is meant to help you relax before bedtime.

To help balance your sleep/awake cycle, try this DIY reflexology technique. It stimulates your pineal gland which produces the sleep hormone Melatin.
Here goes...

Using your thumb and forefinger, apply pressure to the fleshy area about two thirds of the way up your big toes for a couple of minutes. Leave it a minute and then repeat, try and do it for about 10 minutes.

I find that this technique always works best if carried out an hour or so before bedtime.

Give it a go, there’s nothing to lose and it doesn’t cost anything to try!

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit

Celebrities who can’t sleep

Celebrities suffering from insomnia

Just so that you know it’s not just us mere mortals who can’t sleep sometimes, there are a number of celebrities who admit to being insomniacs.

1. Matthew Perry

Better known as Chandler from Friends, Matthew Perry complains about being a chronic insomniac. He revealed he’d tried comfortable bedding, candles and relaxing music but none of it worked for him!

2. Madonna

The global pop icon also has problems switching off and admits to sleeping with her blackberry under her pillow in case she remembers something she needs to write down. She states that she rarely gets more than 4 hours sleep a night –perhaps she should try watching one of her ex-hubby Guy Richie’s films to help her get to sleep!

3. Jeremy Paxman

The British author and BBC TV presenter explained how he’d suffered from insomnia for 25 years – regularly waking up in the middle of the night tossing and turning. Maybe he should stop taking part in such heated debates in his news show as it must be hard to wind down after that!

Let me know if you know anyone else famous who suffers from sleep disorders?

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit

Reflexology – can it help insomnia?

A recent study at the University of Ulster showed that reflexology can have a very positive effect for those suffering with insomnia.

Below I’ve detailed some information explaining exactly what Reflexology is...

Reflexology is based on the idea that the body has ten energy zones that run vertically from the hands and feet up to the head. Reflexologists believe that a blockage in the flow of energy along one of these zones will affect the functioning of the organs, glands, bones and muscles that lie within it, and lead to illness.

These blockages manifest themselves as glandular deposits in the relevant reflex causing tenderness. Corns, bunions and even hard skin are thought to indicate problems in the parts of the body their position relates to. The energy theory behind reflexology is very similar to the one underpinning acupressure, though practitioners claim it is a different system.

It is claimed that stimulating the reflexes with the fingers and thumbs breaks down glandular deposits, releasing the flow of energy and encouraging self healing in the affected parts of the body.

I’ll give you some information on a couple of DIY reflexology techniques you can try yourself in future blogs – so watch this space.

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

10 Feng Shui Tips To Cure Your Insomnia

How to use Feng Shui in your bedroom to help promote sleep.

Someone suggested I try Feng Shui at home to make my house a bit more relaxed and help me sleep. I have to admit I wasn’t 100% convinced but thought it was worth a look into.

I did a bit of research and what I found I’ll share with you below. It gives you some advice on how you can Feng Shui your bedroom, as well as some of the basics on exactly what it is.

Feng Shui actually means “wind and water” and is the ancient Chinese art of creating a well balanced, harmonious environment to promote health, wealth and happiness.

So what are the principles behind it?

It involves making sure that the layout of a building or room and everything in it, allows a free flow of energy or “chi”.

Another feature is making sure there is a balance between the yin (female, passive) and the yang (male, active) energies.

Practitioners of the art of Feng Shui claim that a room or building can effect the behaviour , emotions, thoughts and health of the people who spend time in it.

How can these principles be used to help insomniacs and promote a calm, relaxed nights sleep?

Here’s a Top 10 tips to using Feng Shui to promote sleep...

1. Remove clutter to encourage the flow of Chi this includes removing old clothes ,shoes or piles of dirty washing

2. Don’t store things under the bed where they can block Chi and disrupt sleep

3. Don’t keep items on top of wardrobes. Plus keep your dressing table/top of chest of drawers tidy – only displaying things that you use regularly

4. Place your bed as far away from the door as possible with the headboard against a solid wall

5. Ideally chose a wooden framed bed with solid headboard to protect your Chi whilst you are asleep

6. Pale blue and violet are good bedroom colours. They are supposedly “yin” shades that produce serenity and calm!

7. Lighting needs to be more yin than usual to promote relaxation and sleep. This means bedside lamps with rounded shades, candles and lights with dimmer switches if possible.

8. Remove TV’s, computers or games consoles as they produce too much “yang energy”

9. Use batter operated clocks rather than electrical or clockwork ones

10. Don’t position a mirror so that it reflects the bed as this disrupts sleep

There you go, at least you know what it is now!

Most things won’t cost the earth to try ( some of them will probably just take a 20 minutes tidy!) – so may be worth a try.

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit

The ABC of Insomnia

The ABC of Insomnia – Definitions of key insomnia terms for letters A,B & C

Here are a selection of key terms you may hear about regularly whilst researching about insomnia. If you’re like me you’ll have had no idea about what they meant at first – so hopefully I’ve done some of the hard work for you.

Please find below definitions for some of the key terms beginning with A,B or C. I’ll post definitions of other key definitions at some time in future blogs.

ACTIGRAM – Electronic devices used by specialists to measure brain activity. This in turn helps measure sleep and wakefulness.

ADVANCED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME – Sometimes known as ASPS. This is a type of insomnia where the sufferer has problems staying awake in the evening, but then cannot sleep beyond the early hours.

ANTIHISTAMINES – More well known for treating allergies or being used to ease nettle or insect stings – they are known to cause drowsiness so are often used to help aid sleep and cure insomnia.

BENZODIAZEPINES – This is a group of drugs which are regularly used to treat anxiety sufferers. By curing the anxiety people have it can help alleviate insomnia.

CIRCADIAN RHYTHM – This is more commonly known as your own body clock – and is what controls the cycle of when you are awake and when you are asleep.

CIRCADIAN RHYTHM DISORDER – Disorders to your body clock which affect you ability to sleep at certain times.

COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY – A treatment for insomnia which works through the power of positive thought.

CHRONOC INSOMNIA – Insomnia that lasts longer than a month is categorized as “chronic”.

Watch out for more helpful definitions in future blogs.
Good luck with your finding some relief from your insomnia.

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit