Monday, 11 October 2010

Are sleeping pills a long term solution?

Are sleeping pills a long term solution?

Not so long ago sleeping pills were commonly prescribed by doctors for insomnia. But there is a move away from this by the medical profession – as doctors and sleep experts become more aware of their limitations and side effects.

That is not to say sleeping pills both prescribed and over the counter don’t have some use in certain circumstances but it certainly is not a one size fits all cure. The effects may be limited and should not always be seen as a long term cure.

Temporary Reprieve
If you suffer from chronic insomnia or particularly acute sleeping problems – you may need some temporary reprieve. This where sleeping pills can be the biggest help, by helping alleviate the problem for a short period. This can help the sufferer sometimes break the cycle of sleep depravation and get back into a sleep routine.
Doctors now believe that they see far more effective results with curing insomnia by people implementing lifestyle changes. By following various psychological and behavioural approaches noticeable benefits are often found to be greater than sleeping pills and far more long term.

But sleeping pills and over the counter remedies can often give some respite till these lifestyle changes kick in. They can be a useful crutch but they don’t offer a long term solution because they don’t treat the actual cause of the insomnia.

Masking the problem
Sleeping pills mask the problem of insomnia – they do not make it go away. The other problem sleep experts have found is that sleeping pills tend to increase stage 2 Light Sleep, whilst reducing stages 4 and 5 of the sleep process – Deep Sleep and

REM sleep.
Professor Jim Horne stated that “After a few weeks of taking sleeping tablets, most users will gain no more than 20 minutes sleep and will have only fallen asleep 15 minutes earlier” Backing up the fact that sleeping pills are not the be all and end all – they definitely are not the Holy Grail when it comes to curing insomnia.
On that basis the National Health Service in the UK, recommend that GP’s only prescribed short courses of sleeping pills to avoid the insomniac developing a dependency.

So in summary – sleeping pills should only be seen as a short term solution to sleep problems, just to help try and re-establish lost sleep patterns.

There are many behavioural and psychological cures for insomnia depending on the cause and type of insomnia that are far more effective than prescription medication or over the counter supposed cures. Hopefully you can find out more about these in some of my other blogs.

Dan Kennedy has written a free ebook on how to Cure Your Insomnia. To download it visit

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